Monday, October 8, 2007


O yes there are trials and tribulations in this life sometimes, but these are the things which separate the weak from the strong. These struggles, and the victories and defeat they bring, must be embraced, and inevitably, released. We all don't want to cry or hurt anymore; we must surrender and keep moving on. These mindfucks will do exactly that if we cannot learn to walk away. Tomorrow, next week, sooner or later there will be another war waged, another battle to be had, but living in constant preparation for these moments will wear you down. Look on the brightside, live in the moment of ecstatic mania and discover that these wars are only of the mind, most of these battles are your own. Stop killing yourself slowly with these contemptuous thoughts, for they will invariably become the physical cancer which eats and decays your body in much the same way.
Variety is the spice of life, and I like mine extra spicy, if you know what I mean. May the mindfucks be vanqiushed.

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