Thursday, April 17, 2008

Art star galaxy

The noise roars through the airwaves like glasses crashing on the cold kitchen floor. A quick look-see, take a breath. Oh, it's only me. Why bother with these words, we live in the world we see. It matters little, if not at all, if anyone even likes it. Ah contemporary art. You put the "contempt" in contemporary art. There must be another way, a different manner of egocentric destruction for one to waste time than this. Maybe better to run with the mimes, mimicking each other in an absurd dance of monkey-see-monkey-do of style and fashion and corporate suggestions of what's cool and promoting it as THE NEXT BIG THING. Well. it ain't you baby. Does everyone's opinion count? Of course not but we keep telling each other it does. Does anyone genuinely like or believe in these hypocrisies? Well what is genuine, right ?
There has got to be a better way. Take my hand, I will show you the mysteries of the universe.

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